03/04/2020Jakarta, 3 April 2020
Tempo Scan Group has realized the donation to BNPB (National Agency for Disaster Management) amounted to Rp 10,000,000,000 (ten billion Rupiah) to help overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. The donation was given directly by the President Director of Tempo Scan Group (TSG) Handojo S. Muljadi to the Head of BNPB Letjen Doni Monardo at Graha BNPB office.
The donation to BNPB in the amount of Rp 10,000,000,000 (ten billion Rupiah) is among others to help BNPB in procuring COVID-19 detection test devices, and the said donation is a part of TSG CSR donation to help overcome COVID-19 pandemic (TSG CSR COVID-19) amounted to a total of Rp 17,500,000,000 (seventeen billion five hundred million Rupiah), as announced previously in the TSG Press Release dated 31 March 2020.
This donation to BNPB is a partial realization of the commitment of TSG CSR COVID-19, which shall consist of a series of donation to related Government Institutions, among others Personal Protective Equipment (APD) for Indonesian Medical Workers and products of medicines, vitamins, beverages, children milk, hand sanitizers, disinfectants, soaps, floor cleaners, and others for helping the Indonesian community in need that is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The whole donation of TSG is being realized in stages and strived to be completed by May 2020. The stages of realization shall be conducted transparently and well documented, as a form of accountability for TSG’s commitment to the donation.
"All donation given is an implementation of Tempo Scan’s core values of "Responsibility" & "Usefulness" for the country and the nation of the Republic of Indonesia", said Handojo S. Muljadi.
TSG realizes that the donation is only a small part of what is needed by the Indonesian Medical Workers and Indonesian people who are suffering from the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic. It is expected that this effort is able to help Indonesia handle this COVID-19 pandemic more quickly so that everybody is able to go back to their normal activities.
About Tempo Scan Group and CSR Program
Tempo Scan Group is a national private business group comprised of more than 30 companies, including PT. Tempo Scan Pacific, Tbk. as one of the subsidiaries of Tempo Scan Group. Tempo Scan Group started its business activities on 3 November 1953 in the core businesses of manufacturing & marketing Pharmaceutical products, Nutrition products, Consumer & Cosmetic products, as well as Distribution & Logistics Services, and Property & Financial Services.
Several prime products of Tempo Scan Group which have affordable prices and have been fully produced locally by the thousands of Tempo Scan Grup’s workers have been embraced by Indonesian community and have been leading in this this country’s market. Some of them are:
1. SOS, a range of household health care products that includes Hand Sanitizer, Disinfectant, and Hand Soap which are very helpful for prevention in this COVID-19 pandemic;
2. hemaviton, a pioneer of multivitamin and health supplement products, among others hemaviton 1000 to increase body immunity, hemaviton Action and hemaviton Stamina Plus to maintain body health, produced and distributed by Indonesian generation for more than 42 years;
3. vidoran, multivitamin and child nutrition products, produced and marketed by Tempo Scan Group with affordable price, helping parents to be able to provide children with milk that has the right and quality nutrients for their growth. vidoran product is a real act of responsibility by Tempo Scan Group in helping Indonesian children get an Equal Opportunity to have the best education by consuming the right nutrients;
4. bodrex, besides the No. 1 headache medicine in Indonesia throughout many generations since 49 years ago, also available bodrex Flu & Batuk to relieve flu & cough without drowsiness;
5. MY BABY, the first Telon Oil Plus that provides protection against mosquitoes No.1 in Indonesia, created by Tempo Scan Group by combining the richness of Indonesian nature with innovation;
6. Marina, the product of Hand Body Lotion No. 1 in Indonesia, a body care product that has become the best companion of Indonesian ladies;
7. Oskadon, well known headache medicine in Indonesia;
8. NEO rheumacyl; leading muscle and joint pains medicine in Indonesia;
9. bodrexin; leading fever, flu and cough medicine for children in Indonesia.
Realizing that the support given by all Indonesian people plays an important role in the development and advancement of the Company, Tempo Scan Group holds fast to the Company’s core values of “Responsibility” and “Usefulness”, being implemented through the program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).