01/07/2021PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for the year book of 2020 at the Tempo Scan Tower, 16th Floor on Friday, 25th June 2021. The AGMS was chaired by Mr. Handojo S. Muljadi as the President Commissioner and Ms. Diana Wirawan as the President Director, accompanied by Mr. I Made Dharma Wijaya and Ms. Liza Prasodjo as the Vice President Directors as well as Ms. Shania as a Director and the Corporate Secretary.
In response to the "State of Certain Conditions regarding Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency" stipulated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and as an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the Company provided the option to its shareholders to use the facility of e-GMS in the form of e-Proxy where the system facilitated the shareholders being not physically present to still be able to exercise their voting rights at the AGMS.
The Agenda of the AGMS was: (1) Approval of the Company’s Annual Report, (2) Appointment of the Public Accountant, and (3) Change of Composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. Based on the resolutions of the AGMS, the composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners as of the closing of this year’s AGMS up to the closing of AGMS in 2022 is as follows:
President Director | : | Mr. I Made Dharma Wijaya |
Vice President Director | : | Ms. Diana Wirawan Ms. Liza Prasodjo |
Director | : | Mr. Prayoga Wahyudianto Ms. Hartaty Susanto Ms. Linda Lukitasari Ms. Shania Ms. Rorita Lim Mr. Benny Setiawan |
President Commissioner | : | Mr. Handojo S. Muljadi |
Commissioner | : | Ms. Dewi Murni Sukahar |
Independent Commissioner | : | Ms. Kustantinah Mr. Julian Aldrin Pasha Mr. Suparni Parto Setiono |
On this occasion, the President Commissioner of Tempo Scan, Mr. Handojo S. Muljadi extended a gratitude to Mr. Phillips Gunawan and Ms. Ratna Dewi Suryo Wibowo for their dedication during their tenure as member of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, and welcomed Mr. Benny Setiawan and Ms. Dewi Murni Sukahar as the new member of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, respectively.