02/07/2020PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk (“Tempo Scan”) held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) with COVID-19 health protocol on Tuesday (30/6) at Tempo Scan Tower, Jakarta. The AGMS was chaired by Ms. Dian Paramita Tamzil as the President Commissioner, while the EGMS was chaired by Mr. Handojo S. Muljadi as the President Commissioner newly appointed by the AGMS, and attended by all members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, as well as other guests.
In accordance with COVID-19 health protocol guideline, the AGMS and EGMS were held by maintaining Physical Distancing. Therefore, Tempo Scan provided the option to its shareholders to use the facility of e-GMS in the form of e-Proxy where the system facilitated the shareholders being not physically present to still be able to exercise their voting rights at the AGMS and EGMS.
The Agenda of the AGMS was the Approval of the Company’s Annual Report for year ended 31 December 2019, Appointment of Public Accountant for year ended 31 December 2020, and Change of Composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. As for the EGMS, the Agenda was the Change of some provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association to be complied with the Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification of KBLI 2017 and the Regulation of OJK (Financial Services Authority) of POJK No. 15/2020 on the Planning and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) for Public Companies.
The Composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners as of the closing of the AGMS is as follows:
President Director | : | Ms. Diana Wirawan |
Vice President Director | : | Mr. I Made Dharma Wijaya Ms. Liza Prasodjo |
Director | : | Mr. Phillips Gunawan Ms. Hartaty Susanto Mr. Prayoga Wahyudianto Ms. Linda Lukitasari Ms. Shania Ms. Rorita Lim |
President Commissioner | : | Mr. Handojo S. Muljadi |
Commissioner | : | Mr. Suparni Parto Setiono |
Commissioner and Independent Commissioner | : | Ms. Kustantinah Mr. Julian Aldrin Pasha Ms. Ratna Dewi Suryo Wibowo |